Current Watering Restrictions: None – see below for details
Conservation always encouraged to ensure water for fire protection.

For more info:

Current fire danger: LOW


Deep Bay Improvement District – 250-757-9312

Fire Department – 250-757-2030

The office maintains an emergency contact email list. This is used strictly for advising and updating during emergencies (e.g. boil water advisories) and include any other important matters. To be included, please provide your contact information below.

Deep Bay Volunteer Fire Department

The Deep Bay Fire Department is staffed entirely by volunteers.  Our members receive extensive, regular training to ensure that their skills are kept current.  In addition to fire fighting, over half of our members are Government Certified Level 3 First Responders.  Some members have higher training.  If there is a medical emergency they will be first on the scene to stabilize the victim prior to an ambulance arriving.  In our rural community this can be the difference between life and death.
Our volunteers are also called out to traffic accidents on our highways to perform auto extrications (JAWS).  These calls can bring in $1000 or more funded by the Provincial Emergency Program.  These funds go back into the Fire Department Budget for training and to maintain and upgrade our equipment.

Deep Bay Fire Hall Project

In 2012, discussions the future replacement of truck 8-1 led to discussion regarding the current fire hall building. The current 8-1 truck only just fits in the truck bay and an ideal modern replacement vehicle will not fit into the current hall. In addition, the existing fire hall does not meet the current seismic or post-disaster building standards which means, should the area experience a significant earthquake, emergency personnel would likely not be able to access emergency vehicles and equipment.
In 2014, the DBID created the Fire Hall Replacement Committee to review background information about the DBID fire hall project, recommend a course of action for the DBID to undertake and provide oversight to the process.
Over the course of the next 5 years this committee has worked tirelessly to produce a set of plans that could be used to develop a preliminary building budget.

Background Material

  • Referendum Results here
  • Referendum Results – Staff Report here
  • General Voting Day July 13, 2019 and mail out information here
  • Advance Voting Day – July 9, 2019
  • June 26, 2019 (Open House/Public Information Meeting on Borrowing Referendum) meeting notes here
  • May 14, 2019 Public Information Meeting on Financing Options results here
  • April 11, 2018 DBID AGM Fire Hall Renewal Update here


Emergency – 911 In Emergency situations dial 911 for proper dispatching of fire, rescue, police and/or ambulance services.


Fire Hall
5031Mountainview Road Bowser, BC V0R 1G0
George Lenz, Fire Chief
250-703-1657 (cell)


Forest Fires
Forest Fire Reporting dial 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 from any cell phone.

Fire Permits

When do you need one?
Fire permits are required for any open burning from April 15 – October 15. Please call the hall at 250-757-2030 for your permit.


Safety Precautions
Whenever you are burning outdoors always take proper safety precautions. The burn pile should be no larger than approximately 4 cubic meters (2 x 2 x 1 meters) in size and should be at least 15 meters away from any structures. Fires must never be left unattended and a source of water (eg. garden hose) should always be readily available. Please note: you can only burn natural vegetation and even this has limitations. Natural vegetation includes lawn trimmings, twigs and limbs, leaves, etc. You may not burn household garbage and trash. You cannot burn processed wood, such as lumber.


Mandatory Smoke Alarms
Every residential building built before 1979 must have a smoke alarm installed by May 1, 2010. The law, under the BC Fire Code, increases public safety and awareness, helping to reduce the health risks and property damage caused by fire in older residential buildings. Click here for a copy of the “Safe at Home Guide”. Copies are also available at the DBID office and the firehall.