Deep Bay Improvement District

Current Watering Restrictions: None – see below for details
Conservation always encouraged to ensure water for fire protection.

For more info:

Current fire danger: LOW


Deep Bay Improvement District – 250-757-9312

Fire Department – 250-757-2030

Current Bylaws and Policies

Bylaws are legal documents containing rules passed by a majority of the trustees.  Prior to January 2009 a bylaw enacted by a board of trustees did not come into effect until it was registered with the Inspector of Municipalities. 
Following a two-year consultative process, the legislation was changed to allow specific types of bylaws to come into effect as soon as they are enacted by the board of trustees.  This includes the following: Tolls, Agreements, Reserve Fund Establishment/Disbursement, CEC Disbursement, Assessment, Connection Charge, Miscellaneous Charge and Officer Position Establishment.
Please note, some of the older bylaws that are still current are not yet available in electronic format.

Bylaws - These copies are provided for information only. Certified copies are available for viewing at the DBID office.


Leak Adjustment Policy
In case of a leak in the service line between the meter and house.

Electronic Meeting Policy
Policy and procedure by which rate payers and other attendees can join Trustees and District Staff at DBID’s regular board meetings.

Election Procedures Policy
Policies and procedures to conduct at a trustee election for the DBID.

Freedom of Information Policy
Policies and procedures necessary for the release of information by the DBID to the public.

Confidential Information – Privacy Rights of Personal Information
Policy to protect DBID ratepayers, employees, contractors, volunteers and trustees’ legal right to privacy of their personal information under DBID’s custody and control.

Human Rights Harassment Policy
This Policy sets out guidelines for the reporting, investigating and resolving of
Complaints of harassment in an effort to ensure a respectful workplace for everyone.

Respectful Workplace Policy
The DBID is committed to providing a work environment in which all individuals are treated with mutual respect and dignity.